Orthopedic Implants Manufacturer

About us


Our production department is equipped with latest technology of CNC Hermle milling and Maier turning machines. Our experienced knowledge in combination with state-of-the-art machinery results in a high level of quality for our products. The most important production processes are kept in house:

This enables us to maintain our product quality on a high level. Quality manufacturing leads to quality awareness, with well selected partners and well trained employees in combination of latest technologies quality is achieved and maintained at the highest possible level. As a matter of course, our productivity system is always compliant to the quality management system according to DIN EN 13485:2016.

Quality assurance


All manufacturing steps are subject to strict quality requirements. Constant quality control and process optimization are an essential part of our own goals. Quality assurance systems in accordance with ISO 13485: 2016 for the traceability of each individual product are standard in our company. All our state of the art manufacturing processes are validated according to the ISO standards and products are CE approved.

We ensure at all times the processed materials of our implants to meet the strict requirements of biocompatibility as well as the mechanical properties. As a result, our customers get maximized safety without compromises.

Quality manufacturing leads to quality awareness, with well selected partners and well trained employees in combination of modern technologies quality is achieved and maintained at the highest possible level

Design & Development

We use latest CAD-CAM systems in order to be able to adapt and improve continuously the process of product design and development of our implants and instruments.

Our products are designed to correspond today`s market requirements. It is mandatory to be always up-to-date in correspondence with the market requirements in all countries which we represent.
Technical specifications, highest quality of raw materials, modifications and improvements of our products and latest manufacturing processes have to be continuously considered and appropriately adapted. Advanced efficient manufacturing and economical distribution is the major challenge so we can stay ahead of our competion.

As a key issue, it is essential for us to identify the needs of our customers. We truly believe only long-term customer satisfaction in combination with our top German made product quality is the most important base for our impressive success in the markets. In return, we do receive a trustworthy, sustainable and benefitial relationship with our customers.